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Vol. 11, No. 1 Spring/Summer, 2008



The great news from Runco is the introduction of two new LCD, flat-panel displays at larger sizes than previously available, two new 1080p plasmas, including a 103-inch model, the largest in the world, two new lower-priced DLP projectors, and price decreases on all of their flat panel models. The prices indicated below are the latest and lowest for each model discussed as of the writing of this newsletter. To see the latest pricing on all models, including any changes after this newsletter, please visit our Video Displays and Screens webpage.

Runco CX-52HD LCD displayIn the LCD category, Runco has introduced two new, larger 1080p native resolution models, the 52-inch CX-52HD at $7995 and the 57-inch CX-57HD at $12,995. In addition to using superb, crystal clear TFT displays, both models incorporate the Runco VIVIX processing and all the other advanced scaling and video processing which separate Runco products from the rest of the market. The CX-52HD and CX-57HD produce spectacular high-definition images in the highest resolution available, 1920 x 1080 (1080p). These models will take lower resolution outputs from any video source and scale them all the way up to a full, 1080p image. Remember that all video scaling and upsampling is not created equal. While cheap versions are often available in many home theater receivers and DVD players, the resulting picture quality most often doesn't come close to what you get from a Runco.

Runco XP-50DHD plasma displayIn the plasma area, there are two new 1080p models using a Runco external DHD controller wherein the video processing is built into a separate, external box. These are the 50-inch XP-50DHD at $8995 and the 103-inch XP-103DHD at $99,995. (103 inches! That's a really big picture!) As we've previously discussed, the DHD scales any lower resolution video material to the 1080p native resolution of the display and provides convenient source component connections in the equipment rack rather than at the plasma monitor. Additionally, the DHD controller allows advanced image quality adjustments, resulting in the most accurately calibrated image a plasma display can have. The DHD controller makes simplified installation possible with all inputs going to the rack mountable DHD controller and only one video and one control connection between the controller and the display. In addition to performing all scaling and video processing functions, the DHD controller with HDMI inputs provides a pure digital signal path from input to output as well as a broad array of video input choices, all available from its position in the equipment rack. This is the best level of Runco image processing. It results in pristine images with deep black levels and artifact-free pictures. All of the XP models take picture quality to a whole new level boasting the brightest picture, best contrast ratio, deepest black levels, and most spot-on high definition color ever! These have got to be the world's reference quality plasma displays!

The two new front, DLP projectors Runco has introduced this year are the RS-440 at $4995 and the RS-900 at $8995. The RS-440 boasts all of the advanced video processing circuitry that makes Runco products so superior and includes features such as horizontal and vertical lens shift for added installation flexibility. The RS-440 is also the least expensive projector to include the Runco CineWide technology, the only way to eliminate vertical or horizontal black bars at the image boundaries without any image distortion. (For a fuller description of CineWide and CineWide with AutoScope, see our last newsletter.) The RS-900 is now their least expensive projector to offer full 1080p resolution, as well as such advanced features as CineWide and CineWide with AutoScope. In addition to all of the advanced Runco video processing we've discussed so often, the RS-900 includes a new, proprietary technology known as Reflectance Volume Regulation (RVR), along with a new, electronically-controlled iris system. These markedly increase both contrast ratio and dynamic range. When these features are added to all of the other, advanced Runco video processing and the 1080p resolution, the result is the most advanced projector available for under $9000.

Finally, Runco has again reduced the prices on all of their plasmas to the lowest levels ever. You can now get a Runco plasma for as little as $3495, bringing the cost of the best video in the world down to a price accessible to any serious videophile.

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   (908) 277-0333

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